Last modified on July 1, 2024


Legislative basis for CCAM testing

Legal basis for testing: Vadlīnijas automatizētu transportlīdzekļu tehnoloģiju testēšanai  – Guidelines for automated vehicles for technology testing.

These guidelines are issued to regulate the situation regarding testing of automated vehicles and their technologies, as well as this technology implementation in the market.


Application Requirements

There isn’t a defined application procedure.

List of requirements:

  • Insurance for vehicle.
  • Registration of the vehicle.

Responsible for the safety validation: Applicant (by means of self-assessment).

Application fee: No.

 Is a test permit issued by another country accepted? No.

Conditions for Testing

Vehicle categories: Cars, Trucks, Buses.

SAE levels: General principles do not set restrictions accordingly to the SAE levels, but according to the responsibility of who is responsible for the driving task.

ADAS / AD systems: The general principles do not set restrictions accordingly to ADS systems, but according to the responsibility of who is responsible for the driving task.

Use-Cases: No limitations.

Geographical areas: No limitations.

Permit validity: No time limitations.

Other conditions:

The legal entity organizing the testing must develop strict procedures, which would ensure that test vehicle drivers and test vehicle operators would comply with all regulations labour protection requirements in workplaces, including the requirements for work and rest times. These procedures should include the maximum allowable duration of one test as well as time limit for how long vehicle drivers and vehicle operators can perform this function during the day.

Driver Requirements

Safety driver: Always required. The driver of the test vehicle and the operator of the vehicle must be able to predict the need to intervene in the automated control mode and take control of the vehicle if necessary.

Remote operation with no safety driver inside or in sight of the vehicle: No.

Data Requirements

Black box needed: Yes.

Obligation to report to authority during/after CCAM tests: Not mandatory.

Obligation to report to authority in case of accident: Mandatory.

National database for storing reports provided: Not existing.

Requirements on data recording:

The vehicle intended for testing must be equipped with a data recording device, capable of receiving data from sensors and control systems associated with automated functions as well as other information about the vehicle movement. Guidelines provide a list of information that must be recorded as minimum (preferably at a frequency of 10Hz or higher).

Requirements on disclosing data during/after tests:

After recording the data on the device, the data recorded must be able to determine who was in control of the vehicle at any time during the test. Data recorded on a data recording device must be stored securely for 5 years and must be issued upon request in the cases specified in the regulatory acts.

Data exchange mechanism specified: Not specified.

Test vehicle needs to be connected and / or cooperative during test: Not existing.


Testing facilities on public roads: No.

Testing facilities on private areas: There was a project on testing bed for 5G and automated vehicles Bikernieki race track.


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