Last modified on July 12, 2024
Legislative basis for CCAM testing
Legal basis for testing:
- Amendment of the Law on Road Traffic Safety on Autonomous Cars (from January 2018)
- Description of Conditions and Procedure for Testing of Autonomous Cars and Their Participation in Public Traffic (from January 2018):
English versions can be found in the following link.
Contact information: There is no information about a clearly defined point of contact.
Main provisions and requirements for autonomous cars to participate in public traffic are stipulated in the Law on Road Traffic Safety. Technical requirements and procedure description are foreseen in the order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications.
Application Requirements
There is not a standardized application form.
The application procedure can be found in the “Description of Conditions and Procedure for Testing of Autonomous Cars and Their Participation in Public Traffic” previously listed.
Entities allowed to apply to the exemption: Vehicle manager, the so-called operator, is allowed to perform tests with autonomous cars on public roads. Requirements stipulated in the Law and Description must be met.
List of requirements:
- Completed application form.
- Insurance for vehicle
- Registration of the vehicle
- Description of the modifications to the test vehicle (if based on type-approved vehicle)
- Description of the automated driving function, which is intended to be tested.
- Confirmation of / information to road operator
- Documentation of successful pre-tests on proving ground
- Conducted risk assessment/ analysis.
- Driving licence for the safety operators according to the vehicle type.
Responsible for the safety validation: Public Authority.
Average handling time for the process: It very much depends on the applicant’s level of preparation, but in general the average handling time would be approximately one month.
Application fee: Not required.
Is a test permit issued by another country accepted? Not accepted.
Conditions for Testing
Vehicle categories: No limitations.
SAE levels: No limitations.
ADAS / AD systems: It is allowed to test all ADAS systems on public roads.
Use-Cases: No limitations.
Geographical areas: According to the point 8 of the Description “before starting the testing of autonomous cars in public traffic, the territory or the route of autonomous cars shall be coordinated in writing with the road (street) owner.”
Permit validity: Test permit can be limited to a specific time period, mentioned in the coordination letters.
Driver Requirements
Safety driver: Always required.
Remote operation with no safety driver inside or in sight of the vehicle: Allowed.
Data Requirements
Black box needed: Mandatory.
Obligation to report to authority during/after CCAM tests: Not mandatory.
Test reports availability to the public: Not available
Obligation to report to authority in case of accident: Mandatory, in case of a traffic accident and/or offence, the operators shall cooperate with investigating institutions and provide all necessary information upon request.
Any other supervision / monitoring performed by the authority: Supervision and monitoring is being performed by authorities on ad-hoc basis.
National database for storing reports provided: Non-existent.
Requirements on data recording: In the document “Description of Conditions and Procedure for Testing of Autonomous Cars and Their Participation in Public Traffic”, it is said that data recording equipment shall record at least the following data from sensors, control systems and other devices of an autonomous car:
- The exact time when an autonomous car was controlled by the autonomous car equipment and when it was directly or remotely controlled (driven) by a person.
- The location of an autonomous car on the road (street), its movement direction and speed.
- Information on the operation of light devices and warning signals.
- Information on the location and movement (if possible) of objects near the autonomous car.
- What actions were taken by the autonomous car equipment and/or a person who directly or remotely controlled (drove) the autonomous car (e.g., to avoid a traffic accident and/or offence), and when.
Data operators shall store data specified in the first point of this description for at least 6 months. Plus, all data mentioned here shall be stored by their operators as long as it is needed to establish the cause and culprit of a traffic accident and/or offence.
Requirements on disclosing data during/after tests: According to point 13 of the Description “in case of a traffic accident and/or offence, the operators of data specified in point 9 of the Description shall cooperate with investigating institutions and provide all necessary information upon request”.
Data exchange mechanism specified: Not specified.
Test vehicle needs to be connected and / or cooperative during test: Not mandatory.
Testing facilities on public roads: Non-existent.
Testing facilities on private areas: Non-existent.
Cross-border CCAM Testing
There is no knowledge about the intention of doing agreements for mutual recognition between countries regarding cross-border testing.
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