Last modified on July 1, 2024
Legislative basis for CCAM testing
Legal basis for testing:
- Road traffic law (CAVs’ test provisions contained in art. 65k-65n)
Contact information:
There is not a clearly defined first point of contact for CCAM testing.
The law, issued by the Parliament, specifies the rules for testing (authorization required each time, reporting obligation, insurance); formal requirements specified for the test subject (e.g. professional registration plate), test authorization (by road operator), reporting obligations etc.
Application Requirements
It doesn’t exist a link for the application form as it should be made in an analogue way.
Entities allowed to apply to the exemption: Manufacturers, R&D entities.
List of requirements:
- Completed application form.
- Insurance for vehicle
- Registration of the vehicle
- Confirmation of / information to road operator
- Police opinion, positive public consultation (no protest)
Responsible for the safety validation:
Applicant has to contact Police and Local Authority. For police part they need to obtain the opinion of the provincial (voivodship) Chief of Police in charge of the place where the research works are to be carried out, concerning the impact of the research on the traffic fluidity along the planned route on which the autonomous vehicle will travel. Here is deeper explanation on which local authority is involved: According to law (Art. 65l(2)) The permit referred to in paragraph 1 shall be issued, by decision, by the traffic management authority in charge of the road on which the research work is planned to be carried out at the written request of the organiser of the research work. Authority in charge is: The General Director for National Roads and Motorways (central road authority) for on national roads (including highways and motorways), The provincial marshal for provincial (voivodship) roads, The county governor (starosta) for county and municipal roads and the mayor of a city for public roads located in towns with county rights (except for highways and motorways).
Application fee: Not required.
Is a test permit issued by another country accepted? Not accepted.
Conditions for Testing
Vehicle categories: Cars, Trucks, Buses, Shuttles
SAE levels: No limitations.
ADAS / AD systems: No limitations.
Use-Cases: No limitations
Geographical areas: No limitations
Permit validity: The application shall include information on the date of commencement and completion of the research work.
Driver Requirements
Safety driver: Always required.
Remote operation with no safety driver inside or in sight of the vehicle: Not allowed.
Data Requirements
Black box needed: Not mandatory.
Obligation to report to authority during/after CCAM tests: Mandatory to report vehicle specifications, SAE level, vehicle equipment, short test’s problems description.
Test reports availability to the public: Not available.
Obligation to report to authority in case of accident: Mandatory. The organiser of research works shall be obliged to provide the Director of the Transport Technical Supervision with a report of the research work carried out in relation to the testing of autonomous vehicles and their equipment, in accordance with the model specified in regulations issued on the basis of paragraph 2, within 3 months from the date of completion of the tests.
Any other supervision / monitoring performed by the authority? No.
National database for storing reports provided: Non-existent.
Requirements on disclosing data during/after tests: The ex-post report, except of general information about test and testing entity, shall be composed of characteristics of the take-overs of the testing vehicle during the test and detailed description of any collision or accident. Requirements of the ex-post report are contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 17 October 2018 on the model report on research work related to the testing of autonomous vehicles and their equipment.
Data exchange mechanism specified: Not specified.
Test vehicle needs to be connected and / or cooperative during test: Not mandatory.
Testing facilities on public roads: Non-existent.
Testing facilities on private areas: Non-existent.
Cross-border CCAM Testing
There is any cross border CCAM testing going on, but here is a plan to establish National Test Coordinating Body.
The plans of establishing the National Test Coordinating Body are postpone now (revision of the RTL is not in the legislative process yet). The vision of NTCB work is to co-ordinate the tests across the country, run the database, and prepare analyses. The same role is foreseen for NTCB in cross-border cooperation.
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