Last modified on July 12, 2024


Legislative basis for CCAM testing

Legal basis for testing:

Law supplementing Government Emergency Ordinance no. 195/2002 on traffic on public roads (currently under approval by the Parliament so it is not in effect)

Contact information: Romanian Automotive Register (responsible authority issuing the test permit)

The legislation aims to:

– Create the legal premises for the authorization for the testing of vehicles equipped with an automated driving system, for the purpose of testing the vehicles in question, on certain routes established in advance by the traffic police.

– The definition of the automated driving system as a function of a motor vehicle through which its lateral and longitudinal movements are performed in real time, road monitoring, response to road traffic events, as well as planning and signaling of maneuvers.

– The obligation of the legal person holding the authorization issued for the testing of vehicles equipped with an automated driving system, to designate a person for the supervision of driving.

– Regulate the responsibility for the violation of the traffic rules of the legal person holding the authorization issued in the case of testing the vehicles provided with an automated driving system, unless the control of the vehicle is taken over by the person designated for the supervision of the driving of the vehicle.


Application Requirements

It doesn’t exist a link for the application form as it should be made in an analogue way.

Entities allowed to apply to the exemption:  No restrictions.

List of requirements:

  • Conducted risk assessment/ analysis.

The legislation mentions that the technical requirements for the functioning of automated vehicles (against which the authorisation for testing will be issued) will be defined by a subsequent Ministerial Order of the Ministry of Transport to be issued within 60 days since the Law has been passed. Such an Order is not available yet.

Application fee: Not required.

 Is a test permit issued by another country accepted? No.


Conditions for Testing

Vehicle categories: Cars, Trucks, Buses, Shuttles

SAE levels: No limitations.

ADAS / AD systems: Emergency braking systems are not allowed to be tested.

Use-Cases: It is implied that it must be within the operating domain of the CCAM function.

Geographical areas: No limitations

Permit validity:  The duration of the validation lasts as requested by the testing company and approved by the Police.

Other conditions:

  • The road sections and time of day are decided by the traffic police, following request from testing company.
  • The test vehicle may need to fulfil specific technical criteria defined by the Ministry of Transport.

Driver Requirements

Safety driver: Always required.

Data Requirements

Black box needed: Not mandatory.

Obligation to report to authority during/after CCAM tests: Not mandatory.

Obligation to report to authority in case of accident: Only in case of incidents and upon request from the police: black box data and information about the condition of the supervising driver.

Any other supervision / monitoring performed by the authority? No

National database for storing reports provided: Non-existent.

Requirements on data recording: Requirements not specified.

Requirements on disclosing data during/after tests: Requirements not specified.

Data exchange mechanism specified: Not specified.

Test vehicle needs to be connected and / or cooperative during test: Not mandatory.


Testing facilities on public roads: Non-existent

Testing facilities on private areas: Non-existent

Cross-border CCAM Testing

There is no knowledge about the intention of doing agreements for mutual recognition between countries regarding the tests neither cross-border ones.


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