Last modified on July 12, 2024


Legislative basis for CCAM testing

Legal basis for testing:

Contact information: Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic, State Transport Office.

The Act was submitted to regulate and specify conditions for test procedures regarding the autonomous vehicles including the rules to extend the test to the actual roads. Act identifies and sets the agenda and competencies of the national coordinator of the smart mobility.


Application Requirements

There is not official template for the application form nor a document describing the application procedure.

Entities allowed to apply to the exemption: Automotive manufacturer or automotive component manufacturer.

List of requirements:

  • Completed application form.
  • Insurance for vehicle
  • Description of the modifications to the test vehicle (if based on type-approved vehicle)
  • Description of the automated driving function, which is intended to be tested.
  • Conducted risk assessment/ analysis.
  • Confirmation of / information to road operator
  • Documentation of successful pre-tests on proving ground
  • Performing a successful pre-testing phase on public roads with no passengers

The authority will determine the test operation conditions, test operation restrictions, permitted territory, route and time of the test operation and, if it is an automated vehicle or a fully automated vehicle, also the collection of specified data from the authorized test operation.

Responsible for the safety validation: Public Authority. In case of any testing, it is necessary to ask for an exemption. The fact that the test operation of an automated vehicle or a fully automated vehicle using an automated driving system does not represent a threat to the public interest in safety and health shall be demonstrated by the applicant to the authority by means of information on the testing of an automated vehicle or a fully automated vehicle using an automated off-road driving system or by information on the test operation abroad.

Average handling time for the process: Pre-discuss takes an average of 2 months, but the official request takes 30 days.

Application fee: 100€

Is a test permit issued by another country accepted?:  Not accepted.


Conditions for Testing

Vehicle categories: Cars, Trucks, Buses, Shuttles, Small urban goods delivery vehicle robots

SAE levels: No limitations.

ADAS / AD systems: No limitations.

Use-Cases: No limitations.

Geographical areas: No limitations.

Permit validity:  Specified for each test permit.

Driver Requirements

Safety driver: A person supervising a vehicle that uses an automated steering system for driving is obliged to take control of the vehicle in a timely and safe manner at the prompt of the automated steering system or, if the circumstances require it, even without this prompt, possibly even remotely; for this purpose, it is obliged to monitor the road traffic situation.

Remote operation with no safety driver inside or in sight of the vehicle: Yes.

Data Requirements

Black box needed: The authority will determine the collection of specified data from the authorized test operation.

Obligation to report to authority during/after CCAM tests: It is not mandatory to report the authority during or after tests. The authority will determine the test operation conditions, test operation restrictions, permitted territory, route and time of the test operation and, if it is an automated vehicle or a fully automated vehicle, also the collection of specified data from the authorized test operation. The exemption has validation date.

Test reports availability to the public: In this case, the owner of the vehicle has no duty to report of the test, if is available some study ministry has no information. All required reports (their details), and possible publication, would depend on the specifics of CCAM testing.

Obligation to report to authority in case of accident:  Mandatory, it is part of individual approval process. All required reports will depend on the specifics of CCAM testing.

Any other supervision / monitoring performed by the authority: No.

National database for storing reports provided: Non-existent, it is in progress.

Requirements on data recording: According the law there are no minimum requirements on data recording while a vehicle is operating in an automated driving mode.

Requirements on disclosing data during/after tests: It will depends on the authority evaluation.

Data exchange mechanism specified: Not specified.

Test vehicle needs to be connected and / or cooperative during test: Not mandatory.


Testing facilities on public roads: Non-existent

Testing facilities on private areas: Non-existent

Cross-border CCAM Testing

There is not cross border acceptance of permissions.

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