Last modified on July 1, 2024


Legislative basis for CCAM testing

Legal basis for testing:

  1. VEH 2022/07 Instruction (Testing permit procedure).
  1. Draft Sustainable Mobility Law.

Contact information:

  1. VEH 2022/07 Instruction: Subdirección General de Gestión de la Movilidad.:

C/ Josefa Valcárcel, 44, 28027 – Madrid

Tel.: 913018279

Fax: 917429116

  1. Draft Sustainable Mobility Law: In accordance with Law of Sustainable Mobility’s Article 65. Application for admission to the controlled testing area.

The Spain government defines its procedure to obtain the testing permit in the VEH 2022/07 Instruction document developed by DGT (Dirección General de Tráfico). This regulation sets the standard procedure and safety requirements for open road tests of fully automated driving vehicles. It defines the procedure and documentation to be delivered to acquire an exemption certificate but also the safety checks and regulations applying to this kind of testing vehicles.

The Draft Sustainable Mobility law was issued in 2022 by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda. Its purpose is to establish the necessary conditions so that citizens and companies can enjoy a sustainable, fair and inclusive mobility system as a tool to achieve greater social and territorial cohesion, contribute to resilient economic development and achieve greenhouse gas reduction and air quality targets.

Application Requirements

The application procedure is defined by DGT and described in the VEH 2022/07 Instruction and defines the following requirements:

Entities allowed to apply to the exemption:

  • OEMs’ and their 2nd level providers and official laboratories
  • Technology developers
  • Universities
  • Companies’ consortiums working on automated driving matters.

Furthermore, in accordance with Draft Sustainable Mobility Law : Article 64. Admission and participation regime:

  • “Those projects that contribute innovation in mobility may be admitted to the controlled testing space regulated in this Chapter”. (prototypes in a sufficient phase of development that offers a minimum functionality that allows verifying its usefulness)
  • “Projects may be proposed by any promoter, regardless of the State in which he is domiciled.”

List of requirements:

  • Completed application form.
  • Insurance for vehicle
  • Registration of the vehicle
  • Description of the modifications to the test vehicle (if based on type-approved vehicle)
  • Description of the automated driving function, which is intended to be tested.
  • Conducted risk assessment/ analysis:
    • Considering the vehicle being used for testing (ISO 26262)
    • Considering the road (sections) on which the tests are performed (ISO 21448)
    • Considering tests and their feasibility
  • Documentation of successful pre-tests on proving ground
  • According to Testing permit procedure: Vehicle equipped with an EDR or DSSAD.

Responsible for the safety validation:

  • An independent assessor.
  • Technical service.

Average handling time for the process: one month beginning with the acceptance of the request.

Application fee: 20.20 €

Is a test permit issued by another country accepted?: Yes.

Conditions for Testing

Vehicle categories: Cars, Trucks, Buses, Shuttles and Small urban goods delivery vehicle robots.

SAE levels: No limitations.

ADAS / AD systems: No limitations.

Use-Cases: No limitations.

Geographical areas: On public roads, in areas defined by the testing organization and approved by the responsible authority.

Permit validity: 2 years.


Driver Requirements

Safety driver: Not required.

Remote operation with no safety driver inside or in sight of the vehicle: Not allowed.

The legislation defines the entity of the “Automated vehicle operator” as: “the person who, sitting in the driver’s seat or in a remote-control position, activates the autonomous technology and supervises its correct operation during tests on public roads.”

Data Requirements

Black box needed: Yes.

Obligation to report to authority during/after CCAM tests: No.

Obligation to report to authority in case of accident: Yes, data recorded shall be reported.

National database for storing reports provided: No.

Requirements on data recording: EDR/DSSAD following the General Safety Regulation II requirements.

Requirements on disclosing data during/after tests: No.

Data exchange mechanism specified: No.

Test vehicle needs to be connected and / or cooperative during test: No.


Testing facilities on public roads:

Testing facilities on private areas:

Cross-border CCAM Testing

Control procedure certificates for CCAM testing issued by other member states can be recognized by the Spanish authorities. (2022/07 Art. 5.2.1).

Some cross-border projects are currently ongoing, for example the SISCOGA 4CAD project of the CTAG, a corridor of more than 130 km on roads that serves as a permanent laboratory for the research, development and deployment of CAD and connected functions. In future, PODIUM project has a cross border pilot planned across French-Spanish border.

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