4.3.4 Test study design and operations execution documentation
The study design and experimental procedures must be documented well enough so that persons and partners who did not take part in executing the test can perform analyses. The main purpose of this documentation is to describe, in free form, the purpose of the data collection, the experimental procedures and the important details of the actual execution – including a description of the test site, which must be known before the data are interpreted. As a result, this documentation should contain not only initial plans, but also the final details of the study. More information is available in the FESTA Handbook. The document should give an overview of the following (at least):
- purpose of the field tests or data collection
- research questions
- sample selection criteria and overall description of recruitment
- possible grouping of participants (e.g., test groups 1 and 2 and a reference group); description of the groups
- overall description of equipment used, functions, HMI, additional driver support in the vehicle (navigators, etc.) and vehicle fleet – preferably with links to videos demonstrating usage
- description of the test site (if it was within a specified perimeter), including maps and photos
- date and timing of different phases of the study
- description of scenarios/test runs/study phases (e.g. baseline vs treatment phase), if relevant – with photos of key locations and views from participants’ perspectives
- test plan and execution, describing (for example) what the participants were asked to do, how and when the briefing was given, what questionnaires were administered or what interviews were given
- in the case of a FOT, how the participants were introduced to the system
- how contact was maintained during the study
- special events and changes that may affect data analysis (e.g., roadwork, strikes, economical changes, special weather)
summary information of the project and cooperation partners, duration, budget etc.